Lesia Gorovenko
Hlavný špecialista
Prvé povolenie
Skype: slovakiainvest7

Sergey Zvyagintsev
Business Development Manager
Firma: založenie a zmeny
Skype: slovakiainvest.ru5

Tatiana Nazarova
Hlavný špecialista
Zamestnávanie cudzincov, Trvalý pobyt, Občianstvo
Skype: slovakiainvest8

Mária Hudáková
Hlavný špecialista
Skype: slovakiainvest1

Asiia Devlikamova
Hlavný špecialista
Účtovné otázky
Skype: slovakiainvest10

Lucia Leibnerová
Špecialista podpory zákazníkov
Účtovné otázky
Skype: slovakiainvest.ru7

Yaroslava Hel
Špecialista podpory zákazníkov
Fakturácia a platby
Skype: slovakiainvest.ru1

Viktoria Savčenko
Business Development Manager
Firma: založenie a zmeny
Skype: slovakiainvest2

Olga Lugacheva
Business Development Manager
Investície a banky
Skype: slovakiainvest.ru3

Oxana Shveygert
Asistent účtovného oddelenia
Účtovná agenda

Tatiana Valentová

Svetlana Rabochaya
Zástupca riaditeľa
Skype: slovakiainvest.ru1
To whom to write
- For any questions about the case, write to our general email address SlovakiaInvest@slovakiainvest.sk.
- For more specific questions regarding immigration to Slovakia, obtaining a residence permit, permanent residence or citizenship , write to Lydia at Lidia.Silanteva@SlovakiaInvest.sk or Karina to Karina.Ogandjanian@SlovakiaInvest.sk.
- If you already have a residence permit or permanent residence, and you are interested in extending a residence permit or permanent residence in Slovakia , contact Katya through Ekaterina.Pleshanova@SlovakiaInvest.sk.
- For investments, write to Investments@SlovakiaInvest.sk.
- If you are interested in opening a bank account , please contact us by e-mail Banks@SlovakiaInvest.sk.
- If you want to learn the Slovak language, or, for example, English , you can contact our iCan language school directly : iCan@iCanSchool.sk.
- Having questions regarding accounting, taxes, reporting, auditing, dividends or doing business in Slovakia , we will be happy to answer questions sent to Accounting@SlovakiaInvest.sk.
- Regarding the company, its registration, changes in the company and everything related to the company , write to Michal at Michal.Snopek@SlovakiaInvest.sk.
- If you want to buy, sell or lease real estate , your letters are waiting for Zoreslav at Zoreslavask@gmail.com.
- For nostrification of a diploma in Slovakia , contact Victoria at Viktoria.Savchenko@slovakiainvest.sk.
- If you need any translation , please contact Tatyana at Tatiana.Valentova@SlovakiaInvest.sk.
- For information on recruiting staff in Slovakia , contact Julia at SlovBusiness@mail.com.
- If you remember that you have to pay us and not quite remember what, write to Mary Maria.Surinova@SlovakiaInvest.sk, because if you do not pay, you will be contacted with Sergei email Payments@SlovakiaInvest.sk.
- Well, of course, if, as usual, everything will be OK and you will like our work , leave a positive comment on Google , write on Facebook or tell your friends.
Where to call
- If you prefer voice communication, please call us at our Slovak number + 421-2-321-44-901, Ukrainian number + 38-044-357-07-72, or Russian : + 7-499-504-4421.
- Of course, we are happy and the calls to mobile phones , the listed below, you can contact us and through Skype, Vayber or Vatsap .
- If for some reason you don’t understand, you want to send us a fax , there is such a possibility and use our fax number + 421-2-321-44-901. However, we received the last fax in 2011.
- Once upon a time we had ICQ , but no one remembers the number.
E-mail: slovakiainvest@slovakiainvest.sk
E-mail: accounting@slovakiainvest.sk
E-mail: investments@slovakiainvest.sk
E-mail: banks@slovakiainvest.sk
Тел.: +7 (499) 504-44-21
Тел.: +38 (044) 357-07-72
Тел.: +421 (2) 321-44-901
Факс: +421 (2) 529-21-319
Address: Lazaretská 8 (2 floor) 811 01 Bratislava, Slovakia
Legal address: Špitalská 53 811 01 Bratislava, Slovakia
Our office