
SlovakiaInvest: ako nás kontaktovať, naše telefónne čísla, Viber, WhatsApp. Skype, adresa, kde nás nájdete. Všetky spôsoby komunikácie s nami.


SlovakiaInvest: ako nás kontaktovať, naše telefónne čísla, Viber, WhatsApp. Skype, adresa, kde nás nájdete. Všetky spôsoby komunikácie s nami.

Lesia Gorovenko - Chief Specialist - First Residence

Lesia Gorovenko

Sergey Zvyagintsev

Sergey Zvyagintsev

Business Development Manager
Firma: založenie a zmeny

Skype: slovakiainvest.ru5

Tatiana Nazarova - Chief Specialist	- Employment

Tatiana Nazarova

Hlavný špecialista
Zamestnávanie cudzincov, Trvalý pobyt, Občianstvo
Skype: slovakiainvest8

Maria Gudakova - Chief Specialist - Relocation

Mária Hudáková

Asiia Devlikamova

Asiia Devlikamova

Hlavný špecialista
Účtovné otázky

Skype: slovakiainvest10

Lucia Leibnerová

Lucia Leibnerová

Špecialista podpory zákazníkov
Účtovné otázky

Skype: slovakiainvest.ru7

Yaroslava Hel

Yaroslava Hel

Špecialista podpory zákazníkov
Fakturácia a platby

Skype: slovakiainvest.ru1


Viktoria Savčenko

Business Development Manager
Firma: založenie a zmeny

Skype: slovakiainvest2

Olga Lugacheva

Olga Lugacheva

Business Development Manager
Investície a banky

Skype: slovakiainvest.ru3

Veronika Bereczká

Veronika Bereczká

Účtovná agenda


Veronika Šibalíková

Veronika Šibalíková

Účtovná agenda


Petra Cibulková

Petra Cibulková

Účtovná agenda


Andrea Mocová

Andrea Mocová

Účtovná agenda


Peter Ondrovič

Peter Ondrovič

Mzdový účtovník
Účtovná agenda


Oxana Shveygert

Oxana Shveygert

Asistent účtovného oddelenia
Účtovná agenda


To whom to write

  • For any questions about the case, write to our general email address SlovakiaInvest@slovakiainvest.sk.
  • For more specific questions regarding immigration to Slovakia, obtaining a residence permit, permanent residence or citizenship , write to Lydia at Lidia.Silanteva@SlovakiaInvest.sk or Karina to Karina.Ogandjanian@SlovakiaInvest.sk. 
  • If you already have a residence permit or permanent residence, and you are interested in extending a residence permit or permanent residence in Slovakia , contact Katya through Ekaterina.Pleshanova@SlovakiaInvest.sk. 
  • For investments, write to Investments@SlovakiaInvest.sk.  
  • If you are interested in opening a bank account , please contact us by e-mail Banks@SlovakiaInvest.sk. 
  • If you want to learn the Slovak language, or, for example, English , you can contact our iCan language school directly : iCan@iCanSchool.sk.   
  • Having questions regarding accounting, taxes, reporting, auditing, dividends or doing business in Slovakia , we will be happy to answer questions sent to Accounting@SlovakiaInvest.sk. 
  • Regarding the company, its registration, changes in the company and everything related to the company , write to Michal at Michal.Snopek@SlovakiaInvest.sk. 
  • If you want to buy, sell or lease real estate , your letters are waiting for Zoreslav at Zoreslavask@gmail.com. 
  • For nostrification of a diploma in Slovakia , contact Victoria at Viktoria.Savchenko@slovakiainvest.sk. 
  • If you need any translation , please contact Tatyana at Tatiana.Valentova@SlovakiaInvest.sk. 
  • For information on recruiting staff in Slovakia , contact Julia at SlovBusiness@mail.com. 
  • If you remember that you have to pay us and not quite remember what, write to Mary Maria.Surinova@SlovakiaInvest.sk, because if you do not pay, you will be contacted with Sergei email Payments@SlovakiaInvest.sk. 
  • Well, of course, if, as usual, everything will be OK and you will like our work , leave a positive comment on Google , write on Facebook or tell your friends.  

Where to call

  • If you prefer voice communication, please call us at our Slovak number + 421-2-321-44-901, Ukrainian number + 38-044-357-07-72, or Russian : + 7-499-504-4421.     
  • Of course, we are happy and the calls to mobile phones , the listed below, you can contact us and through Skype, Vayber or Vatsap .  
  • If for some reason you don’t understand, you want to send us a fax , there is such a possibility and use our fax number + 421-2-321-44-901. However, we received the last fax in 2011. 
  • Once upon a time we had ICQ , but no one remembers the number. 

E-mail:         slovakiainvest@slovakiainvest.sk
E-mail:         accounting@slovakiainvest.sk
E-mail:         investments@slovakiainvest.sk
E-mail:         banks@slovakiainvest.sk
Тел.:             +7 (499) 504-44-21
Тел.:             +38 (044) 357-07-72
Тел.:             +421 (2) 321-44-901
Факс:           +421 (2) 529-21-319
Address: Lazaretská 8 (2 floor) 811 01 Bratislava, Slovakia
Legal address: Špitalská 53 811 01 Bratislava, Slovakia

Our office

Пожалуйста, докажите, что вы человек, выбрав грузовик.

Adresa: Lazaretska 8, 81101, Bratislava, Slovakia
E-mail: slovakiainvest@slovakiainvest.sk
Telefón: +421 (2) 321-44-901